Tag Archives | Garden design


Terracing, an alternative to traditional retaining walls

wiki commons image Terracing your landscape can have some great advantages. For one thing, terraces hold back rainfall, reducing runoff and allowing rain to soak into the ground. They can minimize or maximize exposure to sunlight depending on the slope, allowing more consistent growth of plants and lawns. Regarding maintenance and mowing, a terrace is […]

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Home Grown Habitats- how to surround your home in our Regional Landscapes

South east Queensland is home to a diverse and stunning array of habitats and plant communities, from rainforests to mountain heaths, coastal communities and everything in-between. While bush regenerators and landcare groups use commercial tubestock plants to repair and restore these communities, did you know you can use these same plants to recreate these re-wilding […]

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One garden, four turf types!

For many people choosing the right turf type is a big decision. A professional garden designer can help you make your way through this ‘green maze’. In short all turf types have a use in the right place. Here, in an architecturally designed house in Fairfield, came a site that used all four types. Turf […]

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