This small (less than 300m2 block) West End yard was 100% concrete… except a washing line, that broke someone’s arm. No other features! So levels were taken (tape measure, spirit level and string line). The back retaining wall height and excavation depth were determined by the level at the bottom of the stairs, for that ‘step right onto the lawn’ feeling. Once we knew it was under 1m (otherwise triggering a council approval) my team and I set to work.

Three weeks later: a nice soft lawn, garden strip, and ‘daybed’ with privacy structure were installed. Also the chance to produce food, with fruit trees and yams already growing, and plans for three IBC wicking bed gardens on the northern border. There also was an added advantage of digging down on the southern end adjacent the unit block- going down created more privacy. Already the feedback is there is less heat too, and that can only get better as the fledgling plants take off.
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